Zara Anishanslin got her PhD in the History of American Civilization at the University of Delaware (2009), where her dissertation won the prize for Best Dissertation in the Humanities.  In 2011, it also won the University of Pennsylvania’s Zuckerman Prize, a national award for the Best Dissertation in American Studies. Since 2016, she’s been at the University of Delaware (first Assistant and now —woo hoo tenure!—Associate Professor). From 2010 to 2016, she was Assistant Professor of History at the College of Staten Island, City University of New York. She’s also taught at Johns Hopkins University and Columbia University. She teaches courses for undergrad and grad students in the history of early America and the Atlantic World, on the methodology and philosophy of history, in historic preservation and museum studies, and on material culture.

Outside her own classrooms, she’s presented work at a number of colleges and universities, including the Université de Montréal, University of Konstanz, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Miami, the College of William and Mary, Georgetown University, Columbia University, The Graduate Center of CUNY, NYU, Wesleyan, the University of North Texas, Johns Hopkins, and Oxford.

She feels lucky to be a professor, as her students inspire her to delve into new research topics, and force her to sharpen my thinking. She is happy to Zoom into your classroom if your students read any of her publications!